Ashutosh Dutta is currently Senior Scientist, Chief 5G Strategist and JHU/APL Sabbatical Fellow at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Labs (JHU/APL), USA. He also serves as Chair for Electrical and Computer Engineering for Engineering Professional Program at JHU. His career, spanning more than 30 years, includes Director of Technology Security and Lead Member of Technical Staff at AT&T, CTO of Wireless at a Cybersecurity company NIKSUN, Inc., Senior Scientist in Telcordia Research, Director of Central Research Facility at Columbia University, adjunct faculty at NJIT, and Computer Engineer with TATA Motors. Ashutosh is author of more than 100 technical papers and 31 issued patents. Ashutosh is co-author of the book, titled, “Mobility Protocols and Handover Optimization: Design, Evaluation and Application” published by IEEE and John & Wiley. As a Technical Leader in 5G and security, Ashutosh has been serving as the founding Co-Chair for the IEEE Future Networks Initiative that focuses on 5G standardization, education, publications, testbed, and roadmap activities. Ashutosh is IEEE Communications Society’s Distinguished Lecturer for 2017-2020 and as an ACM Distinguished Speaker (2020-2022). Ashutosh currently serves as the founding co-chair for IEEE Future Networks Initiative and Member-At-Large for IEEE Communications Society. Ashutosh obtained his BS in Electrical Engineering from NIT Rourkela, India, MS in Computer Science from NJIT, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University under the supervision of Prof. Henning Schulzrinne. Ashutosh is a Fellow of IEEE and Senior member ACM.
Jeffrey Chavis is a Member of Principle Professional Staff at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and currently serves as the Chief Engineer for the Applied Data Science Branch at JHUAPL. He leads the development and application of advanced data science analytical techniques to provide data driven insights to solve problems in cyber security, the Internet of Things, disease prediction, Artificial Intelligence, and others.
Dr. Chavis teaches graduate courses in the Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering in Software Engineering and Information Systems Engineering. Dr. Chavis is a senior member of IEEE and the Vice Chair for the Baltimore Area chapter of ACM.
Dr. Chavis holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Howard University, a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland College Park and a Doctor of Engineering from Johns Hopkins University.
Random Gwinn is a member of the Senior Professional Staff at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, currently serving as Assistant Program Manager and Principal Investigator for Cyber Assessments within the Sea Control Mission Area and Section Supervisor for Cyber Resilience within the Precision Strike Mission Area. Random is completing his Doctor of Engineering degree from The Johns Hopkins University under Faculty Advisor Dr. Avi Rubin. He received his M.S. in Cybersecurity from The Johns Hopkins University and B.S. in Computer Science from The University of Michigan. His primary research interests include microelectronics security, side-channel analysis, and hardware assurance.
Tamim Sookoor is a researcher at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. His research interests include Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), cyber security, Internet of Things (IoT), and machine learning. He is leading the development of new technologies at the frontier of secure CPS and resilient smart cities.
Dr. Sookoor teaches graduate courses at the Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering and is the coordinator of the Assured Autonomy track. Dr. Sookoor is a member of IEEE and ACM and the Secretary for the Baltimore Area chapter of ACM.
Dr. Sookoor received his B.E. (2006) degree in Computer Engineering from Vanderbilt University and M.S. (2009) and Ph.D. (2012) degrees in Computer Science from the University of Virginia.
Ken Schmidt is an experienced R&D enabler, building bridges between the research bench and the marketplace. He is currently at the Institute for Assured Autonomy at Johns Hopkins University, developing their industry partnership program. Before this he helped the Toyota Research Institute establish and nurture the relationships and projects at MIT, Michigan and Stanford. At Yahoo Labs he was the Chief of Staff and Academic Relations Director, leading a team that built strong bonds between Yahoo and 30+ universities. He supported the Director of DARPA’s IPTO office, which launched new Cognitive Systems programs and provided funding to several research universities. Ken’s earlier career at Western Electric, AT&T and Bell Labs ranged from manufacturing R&D to product marketing, strategic planning, and R&D operations.
Ken has BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, and an MBA from New York University. As a technology consultant, he provides technical and business development advice for government, business and academia. Ken has 7 US patents approved or filed. He lives in Odenton, MD and enjoys running, golf, photography and all things digital.
Wale Akinpelu is the Principal Professional Staff at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab (JHU/APL). He has extensive background in Enterprise network design, system test and evaluation. He designed and implemented the JHU/APL IACD Federated Innovation Integration Research Environment (FIIRE). He designed and implemented the JHU/APL Secure Communication Assessment Network (SeCAN) test network that was used to assess the secure communication services for the President of the United States, National Seniors Leaders and DoD Enterprise users. He designed and implemented a test network for the DARPA Scalable Network Monitoring and National Cyber Range projects. He developed the analytical model that was used to assess Missile Defense Agency network reliability and large scale Enhanced Position Location Reporting System network in a joint tactical operation. He is currently leading a team to secure professional societies Fellow appointments for JHU/APL staff members.
Previously, Wale was a Group Manager at Bell Labs and AT&T Labs where he led the development and certification of AT&T ACCU-Ring premier services for the high-end customers that generated over $1B revenue stream. He designed the facsimile terminal that was used to transmit facsimile data across ARPANET. He was the Technical Program Chair for MILCOM ITAR/FOUO sessions for over 10 years. He was an IBM Fellowship award winner at the University of Newcastle Upon-Tyne. He received the AT&T Federal Systems Quest for the Best Award. He was the winner of 1998 AT&T Strategic Patent Award, the 2005 Harlem YMCA Black Achiever in Industry Award, and the 2014 Black Engineer of the Year Achievement Award. He is senior member of IEEE.
Wale has a BS degree in Mathematics from University of Ife, Nigeria and an MS degree in Computer Science from University of Newcastle, UK. He has 8 domestic and 11 foreign patents.